My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I have enjoyed Charles Carlson’s books over the years as I introduced myself to investing. I read this book, now ten years old, to see if I could learn something new or to get a reminder of the right way to invest in individual stocks. The thing is that the world has changed in the past ten years. There are now more ETFs and mutual funds that have a variety of dividend-based investing that embody something akin to Carlson’s algorithm. That’s for those that will consider these kinds of investment choices. This is now the era of index investing for many investors, limiting their interest in these kinds of sub-optimizing methods. It seems there’s less of a case to be made to use his website to help chose specific investments. Another difference is the lowering of stock purchase transaction costs to near zero. This fee reduction, along with fee additions and even cancellation for some DRIP programs also hurts Carlson’s thesis that DRIPS (dividend reinvestment programs) are great investments. And Carlson has a habit of providing specific stock advice which never ages well over a decade. So overall, while I liked reviewing Carlson’s take on evaluating stocks based on a variety of value and accounting measures, I’m not feeling the need as much as in past decades.
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