My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Interesting book, one that I found in terms fascinating and redundant. I listened to this on audio, with Crystal doing the narrating. In the case of this book, I should call it performing, though. The book begins with Crystal recorded performing in front of a live audience, and he’s not telling stories of his life, he’s doing standup about being old. And to my taste, not very good standup – I didn’t get any chuckles out of his live performances. But the book takes a turn toward the more interesting as Crystal changes to telling the story of his life and his career. That part was good, interesting anecdotes and funny bits. He ends the book with more kvetching about aging which I could have done without. The anecdote I find most memorable (and I find this very strange on reflection) is his story about coming up with a one-liner while hosting the Oscars and cutting off Hollywood old-timer Hal Roach who was speaking from his seat so no one heard him clearly “Well, it’s only fitting. He got his start in silent films.” Crystal does his impersonations along the way, and you hear his Ali and Mickey Mantle a lot. The Mickey stories are truly poignant. The saving grace is that Crystal seems shocked that he was as lucky in life as he’s been, and he sounds so appreciative throughout. I found this one hard to rank -- one star for the bad standup combined with four stars for the life story, but I’ll round up to 3 because his stories are so memorable.
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