
Review: Going the Distance: The Life and Works of W.P. Kinsella

Going the Distance: The Life and Works of W.P. KinsellaGoing the Distance: The Life and Works of W.P. Kinsella by William Steele
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve been a big Kinsella fan since I read his novels mixing magic realism and baseball, with locations very near to where I grew up. I read all his baseball books, and most of his Silas Ermineskin books. Certainly his characters were interesting, but the thought of local baseball becoming folklore really was the draw for me. Hearing stories about the irascible Kinsella added to the allure. What an interesting author to follow. In this biography, you learn about Kinsella’s life, including the many years he was not foremost an author. You learn of his youth, living with just his parents in remote rural Canada, lacking friends and likely building a strong imagination. Kinsella had a strong personality, and perhaps not surprisingly becomes a good salesman early in his career, then owns a pizzeria. Though writing throughout his life, he focuses on writing after profiting from his pizzeria. The book follows his career through his award-winning years and until his death.

On reflection, what you notice in this book is the extreme level of detail. The biography author had access to the author and was able to write in great details about things like classes, high school girlfriends, a substantial lovelife with quite a few partners, and book reviews. While I enjoyed this rare level of personal detail to some extent, there was quite a lot on his love life, more than I wanted to know. And he wasn't what I'd call a nice guy - he seemed to hate the people he worked for, especially college administrators. Describing him as a curmudgeon might by putting too light a touch on the subject, at least when it came to some areas like authority. I was also left with the feeling that the author used very few sources. Kinsella kept track of his life and his business of writing, and his wives (at least one of them) created substantial biographic and bibliographic references, including tracking book reviews and media mentions, many of which are discussed in this volume. What I didn’t notice was a lot of third party interviews related to the subject, and it feels like something is missing. If I had to guess, the author is an introvert, and this impacted the story he told, using Kinsella-provided written sources to an overwhelming extent. Despite that, this tells the story of a unique author. I found the story so varied that it kept my interest throughout. I liked the subject, and that kicked up my rating of the book.

A bonus to me is that the small college my daughter is attending, Augustana in Rock Island, hosted Kinsella during the summer after he wrote the novel that Field of Dreams was based on. Nice comment, and I missed it when it happened.

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Review: The Optimistic Decade

The Optimistic DecadeThe Optimistic Decade by Heather Abel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“The Optimistic Decade” tells the story of a high plateau summer camp run as a kind of eco/spiritual Outward Bound. The book follows a number of characters:
- the camp director with the crazy idea to start the camp,
- a returning camper who realizes he want to be a part of the camp as his career,
- an idealistic new camp counselor, an activist student,
- the activist’s father, a failing radical newspaper publisher,
- the original owner of the land where the camp stands
- his son, a troubled young man making unlikely plans to take the land back
- various others, including funders, parents, current and former campers.

The book is written with chapters telling the story of the camp through different times, from the original creation of the camp through a current-day story (view spoiler) I listened to the audiobook version and found myself enjoying the descriptions of the camp and the land, but not really getting into the plot. I found it much like following a TV show through a few episodes, where the bad guys and the good guys are all kinda wimpy. Good production values, but the story felt too familiar, and with no one to root for. I was expecting something different.

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Review: The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary

The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary by Joseph A. Michelli
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm glad I read this book after reading Starbuck CEO Howard Schultz's book "Onward". The Schultz book covers the guiding priciples under which Starbucks operates - it's what they train their employees on. "Onward" gives a number of examples of these stories but goes much beyond, with quite a bit of company history. This book, "The Starbucks Experience", really dives into those guiding principles and provides a number of examples of how the company and its employees meet those principles in day-to-day business, really complimenting "Onward". With the variety of examples, I could see many ideas that could apply in my business life. This book met the two reasons I have to read a business book, to provide food for thought and to provide specific ideas to implement. Don't expect earthshattering revelations here, though. A lot of this is really summed up as taking responsibility and looking at the bigger picture. But who couldn't use some reminders and good examples of this? Nice book.

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Review: The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century

The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century by Steven Pinker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a grammar books written not as a textbook but as a popular non-fiction book, part how-to and part analysis and history. It’s interesting if you are into that kind of thing, and I suspect most fans would fall into a type, say INTJ: People that look for patterns, and that have a high standard of competence for themselves and others. It seems this is a very good description of this book’s target market. I found it interesting (and yes I occasionally test into this group). I enjoyed the discussions of grammar and history. The writing was very engaging, surprising given this topic that can be quite dry. The last large section contains what you’d expect in this kind of book, a long list of common errors with discussion, and another listing of the author’s pet peeves, grammatically speaking. If anything, it was a bit long, especially that last bit. I listened to this on audio. This wouldn’t be a great experience for those wanting to take notes, but for those listening for story and for style, audio is fine.

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Review: Bloomberg QuickTake: Disruption's Fallout

Bloomberg QuickTake: Disruption's Fallout Bloomberg QuickTake: Disruption's Fallout by Bloomberg News
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I listened to the audiobook version of this, in large part to figure out what it was. This contained a bunch of "articles" that were likely between a page and a few pages each in the written version. The articles were midway between a wikipedia article and a traditional magazine article you might read in, say, "Business Week". All were loosely related to the vague idea of technological or business disruption. It was kind of like listening to a summary of Wired magazine articles. I found the articles were relatively high level. The topics were hit or miss. The good thing is that because the articles were so short, like the Chicago weather -- just wait a minute and it'll change. I'd consider the topics to be interesting, but the writing was a bit shallower than I usually like. The concept of the audio of a theme-based magazine itself was interesting, but I don't think it works as well in audio -- there were mentions of graphics and illustrations that I believe told more of the story than you got in the pure audio format. Perhaps if this was written for audio first, it would have been a better experience.

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Review: The Girl Who Lived Twice

The Girl Who Lived Twice The Girl Who Lived Twice by David Lagercrantz
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There were multiple points while I was listening to this audiobook that I realized that the characters were narrating action that happened off-screen for an extended period of time. It is like listening to someone describe a movie in excruciating detail, even though you know most of what happens to begin with. The action seemed more limited than previous Salander books, replaced by dialog on past events. I am sensing a downward spiral. The ending involves superhuman physical activity and extreme pain thresholds. I don't think Fonzie has jumped the shark quite yet, but we are in that season.

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Review: One Native Life

One Native Life One Native Life by Richard Wagamese
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book contains a number of short reflections of the author on his life. It has the feel of a local journalist writing in a small town paper about their life. I found the stories interesting as personal reflections, much as I would a favorite local columnist. When I think back on my reading of this, I don't believe it was as focused on portraying a "native life" as I would have assumed from the title. The stories that had the most impact were of the author as a foster child, and the difficulties he had in life based on his upbringing and the physical issues he had. I will most remember these stories from this book, and the author's style that I would call gentle reflection.

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Review: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness by Eric Jorgenson My rating: 3 of 5 stars Interesting talk, self-help...