Business Model You: A One-Page Method for Reinventing Your Career by Tim Clark
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I was expecting something that would leave me with one simple page of personal insight. I didn’t get anything like that. The author provides a number of very familiar exercises to document personal preferences, strengths and weaknesses. There were a few not as familiar exercises tying personal weaknesses to ways to overcome, including using a partner’s or employee’s strengths. Much of the rest of this book was a mélange of simplified and over-simplified business modelling, sometimes tied back to a personal model and sometimes not. Strangely, at times the book used a personal anecdote to illustrate a business model, then turned around and used a business anecdote to illustrate a personal model. I finished the book, but I can’t tell what the purpose was. Was it to build personal models using business models as templates, or vice versa? You get both from the writing. I was very disappointed near the end when the authors described the word profit by saying that the reader may have a bad reaction to the word because it might remind them of used car salesmen or bad business practices. Huh? Just who are these authors writing this book for? People that think business is evil? Incredibly bizarre. I listened to the audio version of this book. I would absolutely not recommend an audio version of this book, as there are many lists read, and one of the large tables is “read” using colors. This is one of those books that really doesn’t lend itself to an audio production. Overall, I believe there are plenty of other books on the market that provide similar advice using similar exercises, including “What Color is Your Parachute?”, which the authors here borrow an exercise from. As I look to Amazon’s “Look Inside” for the hardcover version of this book, the message does appear to depend on the magazine-like graphics that appear on most pages, so readers of the paper version may have a different take. But fair warning on the audiobook, which comes across as a disjointed mess.
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Review: Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life
Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life by Donald J. Trump
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Trump as you’d expect, when not limited to Twitter’s character limitation. Typically irreverent, he provides his take on business and life. I found it quite interesting after having been exposed to the sound-bite version of Trump since his election. Trump is big on positive thinking. His thoughts on revenge are cringeworthy, as are his avowed love of women. The business advice is interesting, and I can see some budding developers would really appreciate these thoughts.
The book was written as a combination of Trump and seminar mogul Bill Zanker’s response to business and motivational topics. Each chapter contained Trump’s take on a topic and Zanker’s take on the same topic. Both shared anecdotes from their business lives, most of which I found interesting and valuable. I listened to the audiobook, and while they often divided the sections by saying “Zander’s take”, I found time and again that I was not sure which author was speaking. On audio, this really needed a second narrator to help the listener keep track. I found both authors shared a number of stories about their persistence enabling business deals. These persistence stories are what I will remember from this book.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Trump as you’d expect, when not limited to Twitter’s character limitation. Typically irreverent, he provides his take on business and life. I found it quite interesting after having been exposed to the sound-bite version of Trump since his election. Trump is big on positive thinking. His thoughts on revenge are cringeworthy, as are his avowed love of women. The business advice is interesting, and I can see some budding developers would really appreciate these thoughts.
The book was written as a combination of Trump and seminar mogul Bill Zanker’s response to business and motivational topics. Each chapter contained Trump’s take on a topic and Zanker’s take on the same topic. Both shared anecdotes from their business lives, most of which I found interesting and valuable. I listened to the audiobook, and while they often divided the sections by saying “Zander’s take”, I found time and again that I was not sure which author was speaking. On audio, this really needed a second narrator to help the listener keep track. I found both authors shared a number of stories about their persistence enabling business deals. These persistence stories are what I will remember from this book.
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Review: Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know
Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know by Malcolm Gladwell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
As always, Gladwell writes an interesting book, with well-told stories and mouth-watering simple and novel comparisons. In this book, though, it felt like Gladwell was aiming at a big and nebulous concept – misunderstanding. The stories that provided examples were hard to string together to build a cohesive “unified field theory” of misunderstanding. Overall, of interest, but not as thought-changing as other of Gladwell’s books.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
As always, Gladwell writes an interesting book, with well-told stories and mouth-watering simple and novel comparisons. In this book, though, it felt like Gladwell was aiming at a big and nebulous concept – misunderstanding. The stories that provided examples were hard to string together to build a cohesive “unified field theory” of misunderstanding. Overall, of interest, but not as thought-changing as other of Gladwell’s books.
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Review: The New Iberia Blues
The New Iberia Blues by James Lee Burke
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I’ve read almost all of Burke’s Dave Robicheaux books. I really enjoy Burke’s ability to write the atmosphere and mood of the bayou in his novels. I also enjoy the inner monologue of Robicheaux, who often surprises by being well read and complex. Also key to my enjoyment has been the excellent narration of many of the audiobooks by Will Patton. This was another one that was fun to read.
However, these stories are getting too similar. Of the two dozen or so Robicheaux stories I’ve read, a strangely large number involve Hollywood-types filming in Robicheaux’s rural area. If the Louisiana Film Board has this kind of success rate, I’d be very surprised. Add in the musicians and rich guys and you get a small stable of types that are re-used with minimal differentiation. The stories are different, but some of the characters are too similar to those in other books. I have also noticed that I enjoy the writing so much that I suspend any disbelief in the storylines. But this time, I didn’t give Burke as much leeway. So I found his plot, revolving around (view spoiler)[ an obvious mass murderer, taking plenty of time with the small, local police department investigating, but not attracting a single reporter or FBI interest, was just far fetched. (hide spoiler)] Fun to read, but testing my appreciation.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I’ve read almost all of Burke’s Dave Robicheaux books. I really enjoy Burke’s ability to write the atmosphere and mood of the bayou in his novels. I also enjoy the inner monologue of Robicheaux, who often surprises by being well read and complex. Also key to my enjoyment has been the excellent narration of many of the audiobooks by Will Patton. This was another one that was fun to read.
However, these stories are getting too similar. Of the two dozen or so Robicheaux stories I’ve read, a strangely large number involve Hollywood-types filming in Robicheaux’s rural area. If the Louisiana Film Board has this kind of success rate, I’d be very surprised. Add in the musicians and rich guys and you get a small stable of types that are re-used with minimal differentiation. The stories are different, but some of the characters are too similar to those in other books. I have also noticed that I enjoy the writing so much that I suspend any disbelief in the storylines. But this time, I didn’t give Burke as much leeway. So I found his plot, revolving around (view spoiler)[ an obvious mass murderer, taking plenty of time with the small, local police department investigating, but not attracting a single reporter or FBI interest, was just far fetched. (hide spoiler)] Fun to read, but testing my appreciation.
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Review: Baseball Card Vandals
Baseball Card Vandals by Beau Abbott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This art book contains copies of the fronts of vintage baseball (and a few other sports) cards that have been “vandalized” with markers to make them humorous, or, in cases where there’s a swing and a miss on humorous, odd and arty. A typical example: for a Mark Belanger card, the artists added words to the top saying “The best thing to hang clothes on”, and modified his name below to say “BEHANGER S” while drawing a clothes hanger over the bat in his hands. The book contains mostly photos of the modified cards (you can find many of the ones in this book and many more searching the title on Google) with some introductory text describing the germ of the concept. Many funny, most weird (i.e., “The receipts at CVS are out of control”), a few just clever. Good for a half hour or hour of perusing. The examples on Google seem a bit randier, the book is tame in comparison.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This art book contains copies of the fronts of vintage baseball (and a few other sports) cards that have been “vandalized” with markers to make them humorous, or, in cases where there’s a swing and a miss on humorous, odd and arty. A typical example: for a Mark Belanger card, the artists added words to the top saying “The best thing to hang clothes on”, and modified his name below to say “BEHANGER S” while drawing a clothes hanger over the bat in his hands. The book contains mostly photos of the modified cards (you can find many of the ones in this book and many more searching the title on Google) with some introductory text describing the germ of the concept. Many funny, most weird (i.e., “The receipts at CVS are out of control”), a few just clever. Good for a half hour or hour of perusing. The examples on Google seem a bit randier, the book is tame in comparison.
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Review: Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know about Building a Million-Dollar Business
Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know about Building a Million-Dollar Business by Robert T. Kiyosaki
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Absolutely not what I was expecting. The book is really about the subtitle in this case, not the title. Kiyosaki aims this book at sussing out what a person needs to understand in order to build a business of their own. He adds to the collection of charts he’s created and introduced in other “Rich Dad” books, or possibly not – I haven’t read all that many of them, but the ideas seem quite familiar. From my experience with this line of books, the author turns typical business and investing advice sideways, providing a different perspective and different guidance than in other, more traditional business and investment books. This one is more business and career guidance. I had been hoping, based on the title, that this would cover, at least in part, pre-retirement concerns, but Kiyosaki doesn’t in this volume. By amount of ink, I’d estimate that over half of this book is Kiyosaki’s “business autobiography”, telling the stories of his exploits in learning to run his surfer wallet business and his educational seminar business. I tend to enjoy these kinds of books, and I found these parts interesting. The rest of the book was dedicated to a few illustrative word triangles and two by two boxes that help classify and list the aspects of business that need attention or the different ways to make money in Kiyosaki’s world. He also returns to comparing his real father and his rich mentor, and it seemed like he trashed his father quite a bit more extensively than he did in his previous books that I had read. I did not find this very interesting, but for a different perspective for those building a business (or more creating the mindset to build a business – like understanding the roles of experts and determining which experts need to be involved), this may provide some value.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Absolutely not what I was expecting. The book is really about the subtitle in this case, not the title. Kiyosaki aims this book at sussing out what a person needs to understand in order to build a business of their own. He adds to the collection of charts he’s created and introduced in other “Rich Dad” books, or possibly not – I haven’t read all that many of them, but the ideas seem quite familiar. From my experience with this line of books, the author turns typical business and investing advice sideways, providing a different perspective and different guidance than in other, more traditional business and investment books. This one is more business and career guidance. I had been hoping, based on the title, that this would cover, at least in part, pre-retirement concerns, but Kiyosaki doesn’t in this volume. By amount of ink, I’d estimate that over half of this book is Kiyosaki’s “business autobiography”, telling the stories of his exploits in learning to run his surfer wallet business and his educational seminar business. I tend to enjoy these kinds of books, and I found these parts interesting. The rest of the book was dedicated to a few illustrative word triangles and two by two boxes that help classify and list the aspects of business that need attention or the different ways to make money in Kiyosaki’s world. He also returns to comparing his real father and his rich mentor, and it seemed like he trashed his father quite a bit more extensively than he did in his previous books that I had read. I did not find this very interesting, but for a different perspective for those building a business (or more creating the mindset to build a business – like understanding the roles of experts and determining which experts need to be involved), this may provide some value.
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Review: Foucault's Pendulum
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book changed my life. When I read it, I was playing around with a neural net, a kind of logical "black box" that can find patterns. Of course I was trying to predict the price movement of stocks. After literally hundreds of minor adjustments to my model, I got a stock predictor that actually worked. I traded it based on the indicators once and made some quick money. But then a lesson from Foucault's Pendulum started nagging me, the talk about the laundry list. (view spoiler)[ In the book, a researcher finds an old piece of paper, full of holes due to age. He can make out writing, but many parts of words seem to be missing. The researcher works on deciphering what the paper was about, assuming it was related to the Knights Templar, and he comes to realize that, if those missing pieces are filled in with certain letters, the document is a key to everlasting life and a timeline to a Templar reunion. This belief becomes pivotal in the story, leading to the researchers eventual demise when others demand the proof. But just before this happens, the researcher's wife points out that if you replaced the missing letters with different ones than the researcher chose, you would see that this was a centuries-old laundry list. In other words, you can make many stories from incomplete information, and an incorrect interpretation could be deadly. Occam's razor, dude, Occam's razor. (hide spoiler)]I decided to stop working with the black box, although I think I could have used it further, and possibly made a lot of money trading or writing about it. I had started to believe the story the black box "proved". At least I quit while I was ahead! Although I kinda wished I hadn't... BTW, I was predicting ERTS using CPQ (the former Compaq) and DELL as proxies for the market over trades between one and ten days. Back in the mid 90s. On a 386 using one bootable diskette.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book changed my life. When I read it, I was playing around with a neural net, a kind of logical "black box" that can find patterns. Of course I was trying to predict the price movement of stocks. After literally hundreds of minor adjustments to my model, I got a stock predictor that actually worked. I traded it based on the indicators once and made some quick money. But then a lesson from Foucault's Pendulum started nagging me, the talk about the laundry list. (view spoiler)[ In the book, a researcher finds an old piece of paper, full of holes due to age. He can make out writing, but many parts of words seem to be missing. The researcher works on deciphering what the paper was about, assuming it was related to the Knights Templar, and he comes to realize that, if those missing pieces are filled in with certain letters, the document is a key to everlasting life and a timeline to a Templar reunion. This belief becomes pivotal in the story, leading to the researchers eventual demise when others demand the proof. But just before this happens, the researcher's wife points out that if you replaced the missing letters with different ones than the researcher chose, you would see that this was a centuries-old laundry list. In other words, you can make many stories from incomplete information, and an incorrect interpretation could be deadly. Occam's razor, dude, Occam's razor. (hide spoiler)]I decided to stop working with the black box, although I think I could have used it further, and possibly made a lot of money trading or writing about it. I had started to believe the story the black box "proved". At least I quit while I was ahead! Although I kinda wished I hadn't... BTW, I was predicting ERTS using CPQ (the former Compaq) and DELL as proxies for the market over trades between one and ten days. Back in the mid 90s. On a 386 using one bootable diskette.
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Review: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
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